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15. Schwalestadtzuchtschau

  • 30.03.2024
  • Burgstr 75, 24539 Neumünster
  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Registration opening: 31.01.2024 00:00:00
  • Closing date: 20.03.2024 23:59:59
  • 2. Closing date: 24.03.2024 23:59:59
  • Number of participants: 60
  • Discipline: Show
  • Organizing club: BG Schwalestadt
  • Address: Burgstr 75, 24539 Neumünster
  • Breeds: Rottweiler
  • Homepage: im Aufbau

Information entry fee

Meldegebühr per Pay Pal oder Überweisung

Entry fee

Pay until:

Price per class

Class Total 2. Total
Baby Class (3 - 6 months) €30.00 €30.00
Puppy class (6 - 9 months) €40.00 €40.00
Junior Class (9 - 15 months) €40.00 €40.00
Junior Class (12 - 18 months) €40.00 €40.00
Intermediate Class (15 - 24 months) €40.00 €40.00
Open class (older than 15 month) €40.00 €40.00
Working class (older than 15 months) €40.00 €40.00
Champion Class (older than 15 months) €40.00 €40.00
Veteran class (older than 8 years) €40.00 €40.00

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15. Schwalestadtzuchtschau 30.03.2024
Burgstr 75, 24539 Neumünster